Letter To You

Letter To You

Wow, it’s such a surreal feeling coming back on what started it all for me. Hey guys, long time no see! I hope you all are well and having a good day so far! Before I even get into anything, I want to share my gratitude for you all who supported the very first thing I made when I was in a space where I felt like I couldn’t. Making a blog isn’t an easy thing, but you guys were with me during the process, sharing your thoughts and sharing love. If it weren’t for you all, I would feel even more lost in a world of chaos. Again, thank you for removing your shoes at the door and being a respectful guest in my bubble.

Reflecting on everything and my mental state during the invention of Maybe It’s Me, I was content, but I’m in two different modes compared to now. I’ve had many twists and turns through that time, leaving me feeling like a ghost. I didn’t feel like I had a purpose; I was lost. If you didn’t know, I would hate being vulnerable and anything that comes with it. I’m very guarded with the things I consider personal. I feel that it’s my mission and purpose to share my troubles and insight on life to help people, and this year, I’ve started to step into that. If you’re not connected with me on my social media, last month, I started the thing I was always scared to make: my podcast! AHHHH ASNIOCFVJOI!! I’m still shocked every time I say that, cause what? Me having a podcast? Crazy.

It’s been… 4 weeks of me having one, and if I said it’s been smooth sailing, I would be lying. What I can say, however, is that it lights something in me doing something I’ve always wanted to do but felt like I needed the platform, support, or credentials to pursue. I thought I would be met with negative comments or just ridiculed. Maybe I was in my head, but I was met with love from all types of places, even from people I never thought of. Part of me still doesn’t like hearing my voice on a PUBLIC PLATFORM that can be replayed HUNDREDS of times, but I’ll try to deal. sigh

I’m at the place that started the journey, so I can say I haven’t forgotten about you at alllllllll! This letter goes out to whoever reads it; I owe it to you and thank you. If you ever need anything from me, don’t hesitate to reach out— just don’t ask me for an arm or something crazy. I’ll promise myself and you that I’ll be on here again to share sporadic thoughts that come to mind that I feel in my heart. I feel some sappy emotions today— MAYBE IT’S ME, FR. facepalms


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