Well, this is awkward…

Well, this is awkward…

Have you ever thought of a once-in-a-lifetime idea and never put it into action, which made that idea suddenly vanish? That feeling is why I am here with you today with the lovely help of two guests: PROCRASTINATION and EXPECTATION! Welcoming individuals, am I right?! If I could get personal with you, I would perpetually disinvite these two from my brain. I often wonder, how would life look like without them? A perfect utopian society sounds farfetched, so let’s discuss how to manage it in REALITY

The first recommendation for you (and myself) would be to talk about it! You never know how much comfort it will bring you to SPEAK those ideas to your loved ones for feedback. Being in the development stage of Maybe It’s Me, I was overthinking extensively about any negative aspect possible. “What if I fail horribly?” “What if it doesn’t come out how I imagined it?” “What if I get zero support through it all?” Those are the flaming arrows sent from my brain that would bring me down periodically.

Even now, I am nonetheless acquainted with the thoughts, just with the help of another guest I failed to mention: action. Action scares away procrastination and expectation with little to no resistance. When you take that fear of uncertainty without caring what happens afterward, plentiful results happen REGARDLESS. Who cares that you don’t get it right the first time? Who’s to say that you won’t? That’s the beauty of it all: never knowing until you TRY.

“Expectation is the root of all heartache.” Shakespeare couldn’t have written a statement better. It’s hard not to compare yourself to your peers or those younger than you in the 21st century. Designer clothes, flashy cars, and big houses plastered around social media will always make me doubtful. Everyone seems to have it all together and is happy, but I know that’s only smoke and mirrors. I’ll be the first to admit I am not where I want to be, and that’s OK! Your time will be your time, and there’s no denying that. 

If you take anything out of this, always remember to be PRESENT. Take gratitude for what you have now with the things you take for GRANTED. You got this! Wait, am I speaking to you or me? Anyway, thank you for staying with me; I’ll see you guys soon in the next post. 


  1. kkozy

    this was written so beautifully Trey. iim so proud of you i can see and feel the passion you have alone for writing/creating. this was so touching i kept having to reread it because i thought i was in my own head a few times! i definitely needed to hear this message more than ever right now! i can’t wait to hear more from you!

    • trey

      thank you so much kozy. i’m glad to hear from you on the feedback of my blog! this is something that hinders me so bad but i know everyone can relate and get through it just with the strength of action. again, i appreciate the love. :’)

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