Hello, my lovely readers. I hope today is treating you well. If you didn’t know, I released my fifth episode on my podcast, Maybe It’s Me! I’m currently at 100 downloads from five countries and thirty-plus cities, so that’s very exciting for me. Thank you to those taking the time out of your day to listen and support. The weird thing about doing something relating to your passion is that you’re doing it because you love to do it, but you also want to be seen. It’s a consensus that you shouldn’t, but I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t want this to be successful for me.

My fifth episode is a fun spin on the other episodes, which are a severe part of my psyche. I detail all the people who are going to hell (as a joke; it’s one of my sayings). I hope you all like it to some degree because it has no thought or dedication behind it, so I fear it may rub off wrong. I’m probably overthinking, so let’s move on! As I published this episode, I thought a question to myself and wrote it down at 1:34 pm: “Do you ever wonder how you’ll die?” I’m probably sick of thinking things like this, but this is where I can share without scrutiny. LMAO.

I never watched Death Note, but looking at it, you can just think, how will you die? Do you ever think about that? If you didn’t know, I have kind of an underlying fear of death, and I’ve always been fascinated with death since a young child. The world is limitless, with an infinite amount of possibilities. Death can range from being quick to prolonged. You just never know. Just imagine you can be kidnapped for years on end, and when you’re finally found, you’re dead. Imagine being at a store at the wrong time, and you’re shot to death. Imagine being killed by a loved one or someone you least expect.
Maybe that’s why I try my best to be and do good despite my troubles. We have scenarios that are unreal but are reality. Kenneka Jenkins, Trayvon Martin, Kendrick Johnson, Sonya Massey, and so many others are saddening to hear. Those are just the ones who have the gift of media recognition. I just remembered the Sandy Hook shooting out of nowhere, and even remembering that was a crazy moment in my childhood. They’re now graduating from high school; life is just so many words that I have none.

I wish I had a lesson from this post, but you should live your life fully. Treat every day like it’s your last, and always do what you want to do. Others’ perceptions are necessary but only as important as yours. Don’t let fear stop you from pursuing your dreams. I could be gone today or tomorrow; who knows. I just want to do my best and speak my purpose before I can’t anymore! Thank you for reading; I’ll talk to you later. 🙂

(Reminds me of my grandma, ugh love her )


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